1·He returns back to his home and falls asleep.
2·A handler takes a MessageContext and performs actions and returns back to the calling code.
3·App2 finishes its work and control returns back to App1, and the activity is called to complete.
4·The fifth chapter, based on the empirical analysis of the results, so our first day IPO returns back to normal over the relevant recommendations.
5·When all map tasks and reduce tasks have been completed, the master wakes up the user program. At this point, the MapReduce call in the user program returns back to the user code.
6·The Web Service performs work to an XA-compliant database (Step 3) and then returns back to the EJB component (Step 4) which commits the transaction, again using the UserTransaction interface.
Web服务对XA - compliant database执行工作(步骤3),然后返回到EJ b组件(步骤4),由它再次使用UserTransaction接口来提交事务。
7·Consider what happens in your browser history when you use the Back button: the browser returns to the last viewed page, and the forward button, which was previously disabled, lights up suddenly.
8·At the end of the diary list, it returns the user back to the main menu VXML file.
9·If the response has been queued, the Provider returns that response back to the requester.
10·If no message exists, the operation does not wait around for one; it simply prepares another refresh Response with a new refresh interval period and returns that back to the caller.